Don't miss out!
We've partnered with Postscript to offer a free, fully-managed 30-day SMS trial to all Shopify users!
We'll schedule a discovery call with your brand, walk you through how SMS can work for you, develop a 30-day strategy and plan, as well as establish reporting consistencies.
We'll tell you:
- How to increase your SMS ROI and decrease your unsubscribe rates
- The best campaigns cadences & flows
- How to use SMS to increase your average customer lifetime value
- How email & SMS unlock powerful omnichannel marketing for your brand
What you'll get:
- 30-day, no-obligation, free-trial to Postscript SMS
- 30-day, no-obligation, SMS managed services
- Complete 30-day SMS plan
- SMS integration into the rest of your tech stack
Fill out the form and we'll be in touch!