Lightning Bolt


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The Company

Immi is the world's first low-carb, plant-based, high-protein instant ramen. Immi was started to help people better manage their health conditions arising from poor nutrition and unhealthy diets - while still being to enjoy delicious ramen.

The Problem

During our onboarding call with the client, we asked about the current pain points for their social media. They expressed community management as a top priority. “We want our audience to feel as though they are a part of the brand - young adults paying homage to their roots while enjoying fresh and delicious foods that taste as good as the nostalgia they experience from them”.

What our Partner Thinks
"Electriq's social media team is top notch and we've been so happy with the results. They consistently come to the table week on week with extremely creative social campaigns that have driven up our avg. post engagement metrics by 300% [compared to the year prior]."

Every Comment Counts

Engagement is engagement – The algorithm doesn’t discredit Trolls, and neither should we. Responding to all comments is critical to proving to your audience that, behind the screen, there is a human connected to the brand who ‘sees’ them, understands them, and values them.


Turning Micro-Moments into Viral Content

To be successful on Social Media, it takes more than knowing your product – you have to know your Audience. The goal of social media marketing should not be to sell - consumers will rarely engage with content if it’s about a product or service. Our goal as Social Media Marketers is to ensure that when your consumer is ready to buy, your brand is top-of-mind.


No Sales on their Social Media

Not ONCE have we offered any sort of sale, discount, or promo on Immi’s Social Media pages. Marketing holidays like “Black Friday” were irrelevant to the brand’s values. We definitely took a risk with this, but the numbers prove that going against the status quo can be incredibly successful.

ramen snip

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