Lightning Bolt


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The Company

Wine Insiders is changing the way people buy wine. Now shipping over 7 million bottles a year, their goal is to make shopping for great wine easy, convenient, fun, and affordable, all delivered right to your doorstep.

The Challenge

Wine Insiders wanted to create a unique social presence and personality on Instagram. We focused on increasing engagement, driving website traffic, building loyalty, generating buzz, and ultimately curating a community around #wineinsiders. During our social engagement, we also took over their SEO strategy and execution. This was all done organically, without paid advertising.

What our Partner Thinks
Electriq plays a valuable role for us in supporting our digital marketing channels, including giving fresh perspective to existing internal teams and pioneering new strategies.
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wine insiders instagram feed

Social Media

Our social media strategy encompassed 5 specific areas:
  • Develop strong creative that aligns with Wine Insiders' brand and messaging
  • High-frequency posting across all social
  • Co-marketing giveaways to increase engagement and increase followers
  • Story highlights & swipe up content
  • Engage with micro-influencers and incentivize customers to submit user-generated content

SEO & Content Marketing

Wine Insiders came to us during our social media engagement for help with their SEO. They were seeing a steady decrease in organic search traffic over the course of 2019 and wanted to reverse that trend. We began conducting competitive analysis and internal site audits to determine the best path to recovery. With our pillar content strategy, we recovered their traffic and then some!

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wine insiders wine 101
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Montepulciano dAbruzzo Wine Insiders Article

PR Outreach / Off-page SEO

We acquired 34 high-quality backlinks in 5 months for Wine Insiders. These press features were on high-domain authority sites with readers that matched Wine Insiders' target demographic. Glam is one example of our work. A Domain Authority of 63/100, Glam has over 35K organic visitors a month.

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