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The Company

Electriq marketing was first tasked by Florence by Mills to connect with their Gen-Z consumers while problem-solving for the disconnect between the person transacting on the site and the end consumer of the product.

Aggressive Growth Goals

When you google “Beauty Quiz” florence is one of the first organic results. We already had a lot of traffic going to this page, we simply lacked the analytics needed to optimize the experience.


Personalized Experiences

Apart from yielding highly thoughtful results for site visitors, the quiz provided the foundation of personalization for future communication channels. With iOS 14 privacy policy updates, zero-party data has become increasingly important to create a personalized and privacy-friendly experience for customers. 

We utilize this zero-party data to create segmented email and SMS campaigns, tailored post-purchase experiences, and push audiences to paid media channels. 

Key Integration - Klaviyo

Immediately after taking the quiz, all responses are passed over to Klaviyo and leads are immediately entered into a post-quiz email flow, nurturing them to convert on the recommended products. With the Klaviyo 2.0 integration, we’re able to save the quiz results URL and continually share that with quiz takers. 

Beyond that, our campaigns can now be segmented around quiz responses, ensuring the recipient of the communication is receiving relevant messaging in a tone that is in line with our brand and that will resonate with them whether they are gen z, millennials, or gen x. 

Personalized email/SMS campaigns 

Personalized product recommendations 

Personalized second-order suggestions 


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