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What is Modamily?

Modamily is a platform for everyone who is ready to start a familyand help educate them on all of the ways they can make thathappen. Modamily connects and educates people who are lookingto start a family in any arrangement that works best for them,whether it be a romantic relationship, a platonic co-parent, or aknown donor.

The Challenge

Modamily came to us with user acquisition goals as they began early fundraising efforts. They had a solid base of press and backlinks going to their website which allowed us to focus a lot of our efforts on building out high-quality, pillar content to organically acquire new site visitors and ultimately convert them into leads.

What our Partner Thinks
"Gets the job done! Brandon and his team are great to work with. We established a plan and they’ve been executing every month on multiple fronts. Traffic has gone up pretty quickly and I’m excited to continue to work with them to grow Modamily. Can’t recommend them enough."
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Content Marketing & SEO

Modamily was sitting on a high-authority domain in modamily.com that they were using to host their web app. We transitioned their app to a subdomain and began building out high-quality pillar content pages on their new blog.

We targeted high-ranking content from competitors and focused on building out extensive, in-depth content that was heavy on information and light on fluff. We identified that most visitors to Modamily were looking for straight-forward, to the point information and were not receptive to fancy marketing infographics.


API Development

Without app data, Modamily's email marketing and customer communication was severely limited. With our API development, we were able to pass contact app data through to their HubSpot CRM.

We identified the following 6 attributes as important data points we could use to segment our contact database and trigger automated email workflows.

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modamily email marketing mobile

Email Marketing

Using HubSpot, we implemented numerous lead capture and data-mining initiatives on the site, and used automated workflows to send targeted communication based on a visitor or contact's behavior on the site.

But, the most important part of our work with Modamily was developing the API calls to allow app data to get passed through into their new HubSpot CRM. This allowed us to create flows triggered off of app subscription data (i.e. contact cancels their app subscription, send them an email automatically with a discount to resubscribe).

Lead Capture

  • Live Chat
  • Left-Slide in Pop-up on Desktop
  • Top Nav Slide-down Pop-up on Mobile
  • Exit Pop-up

Marketing Automation Examples

  • Welcome Series
  • Free App for a Month

Web Design + Development

After transitioning their app to a subdomain so we could utilize their strong SEO authority root domain for content marketing, we began building out a new website for Modamily on the HubSpot CMS, allowing for a website that changes dynamically based on data we have on a contact in our HubSpot CRM.

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