Lightning Bolt


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Foodstirs engaged with us for our 30-day managed SMS services free trial in partnership with SMSBump. Foodstirs was already capturing SMS leads and had a few automations set up, but knew they were in the very early stages of their SMS journey and that they weren't doing everything they could be.

SMS Growth Strategy

Our audit for Foodstirs left us with a lot of long-hanging fruit to implement during the 30-day free trial. Our strategy was to act on the highest ROI initiatives first and then move into the more nitty-gritty.


SMS Marketing Execution

Our SMS strategy & deliverables consisted of:

  1. Extensive SMS Marketing Strategy Deck laying out our high-level strategy & path to implementation.

  2. Lead Capture Opt-in Method Design & Implementation

  3. Recharge & SMSBump Integration

  4. SMS Automation & Flow Set-up

  5. Campaign Calendar, Creative & GIF design

  6. SMS List Segmentation & Maintenance

Audit & Implementation

We were able to uncover a few opportunities and optimizations for Foodstirs, including the following:

  1. Expanding their welcome series to be a conversational flow that extracted customer information via keyword responses and gave product recommendations

  2. Subscription started welcome flow to mitigate customer service inquiries by explaining how the subscription works

  3. Implementing a one-shot order and subscription abandoned cart flow

  4. Swipe-up social media stories that opted users into SMS marketing

  5. Implementing additional flows such as recurring charge failed - update your billing, and more

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