Get your Technical SEO in compliance and implement further optimizations.

As painful as tax audits are for business, technical SEO has been the bane of many marketing managers & CEOs.  We take the headaches away so your website can perform optimally on top of our incredible content marketing integrated with our on page SEO and off page search engine optimization.  Altogether, you have a formula to reach the heavens when it comes to search engine exposure.

Get a Proposal

You'll receive:

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    Weekly Site Audits

    We'll audit your website weekly with SEMrush and Screaming Frog, compiling errors and optimization recommendations for implementation
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    Weekly Implementation

    We'll implement sites fixes and optimizations weekly based on our site audit results.
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    Schema Markup

    We'll incorporate the relevant schema markup on all of your webpage types.
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    Google Search Console

    We'll get you setup with Google Search Console and monitor your website's health on a daily basis to ensure full Google Compliance.