Lifecycle Marketing
Lifecycle Marketing
Email marketing isn't dead, but your approach needs a refresh. According to research and polling done by MECLABS, 72% of U.S. adults prefer to communicate with companies via e-mail.
Email Marketing
Utilizing our data-driven email automation services, you can develop personal relationships with your customers through hyper-personalized segmented emails.
SMS allows you to get right into the hands of the consumer. We utilize CRM data to create hyper-personalized campaigns that give your leads relevant content and offers on their terms.
Facebook Messenger
Meet your customers where they are, on the world's largest social network.
Loyalty Program Management
We'll develop and integrate a loyalty program into your website to enhance your customer relationships and build lifelong brand advocates.
Referral Program Management
Reward your best customers who spread the word about your brand with a carefully crafted referral program developed and managed by Electriq.
Ambassador Program Management
Turn your most loyal customers into your best ambassadors through a carefully crafted ambassador program.
Live Chat
Conversational marketing allows you to engage with website visitors instantaneously, answering questions and building rapport at a moment's notice.